EdgeEX — Customizing courses: Adding a unit to a course, section, or enrollment

Use this article to add a unit to a course and fill it with lessons from the EdgeEX library. 

Some reasons to create custom units include: 

  • Aligning to your district's scope and sequence more closely.
  • Breaking a unit into smaller units to have more frequent tests.

For information about how course customization works in general, reference EdgeEX — Customizing courses overview.


You must have the applicable permissions to complete the steps on this page. To learn more, reference the applicable article:

To check your permissions, reference Checking your educator permissions.



As you customize a course, your changes are saved automatically.

An icon in the top navigation bar indicates that the changes are saving.

If you exit the Customization Pane without publishing your changes, when you return to the Content tab, you'll see a Resume Customization button. Click it to open the Customization Pane.


When you re-enter the Customization Pane, you'll see a note indicating who last updated the course and when. You can continue customizing or click the Start Over link to start over.

Frequently asked questions

Can I delete a new unit that I added in error or don't need anymore?

Yes. First, move all of the lessons you added out of the unit. For lessons that are part of the published course, move them out and hide them. Then, you can delete the new unit. If you do not remove all the lessons from the unit, you will not be able to delete the unit.

For lessons that you added from the EdgeEX library, use the Trash icon to remove the lesson.


To delete the unit, click the Trash icon next to the name of the unit.


A new unit can only be deleted at the customization level at which it was added. For example, if you added a unit for a section, you cannot delete it for individual enrollments.
If I lose my connection while I'm customizing a course, what will happen?
Don't worry! Your draft will be automatically saved and you can return to it in the next time you log in.

Adding a unit to a course

  1. Access the Customization Editor for one of the following:
  2. From either the left navigation or the main pane of the semester overview, click Add Unit
  3. Click the tile in the main pane of the page to open and edit the unit.
  4. The new unit displays with a Test included. When an existing lesson is added to a unit, the assessment item pool for that existing lesson populates and unhides the unit Practice Test and Test. The course's Practice Exam and Exam also populate with the lesson's assessment item pool.
    Note: The Practice Test and Test remain hidden until the unit has at least one lesson added to it.
  5. Click the pencil icon to edit the name of the unit. Give your new unit a title, then press Return.
  6. To populate the unit, you can:
    Action Steps
    Reorder/move lessons from existing units into the new unit

    Click and drag the right side of a tile to move the element.


    Reference the applicable article for steps: 

    Add lessons from the EdgeEX library

    Click Add Lesson.Click-AddLesson.png

    Reference EdgeEX — Customizing courses: Adding a lesson to a course, section, or enrollment article for steps.

  7. Once you have made all the desired customizations, at the top-right of the page, click Publish. Then, continue through the workflow until a confirmation page displays.
  8. Click Done.