Use this article to add lessons to existing units in a course from the EdgeEX library. You can also create your own unit and add lessons to it; reference steps for creating a unit in EdgeEX — Customizing courses: Adding a unit to a course, section, or enrollment. (In 2025, you'll also be able to add teacher-created lessons to a course.)
Some reasons to add lessons from one course to another include:
- Adding an Honors lesson to an Initial Credit course.
- Adding related math lessons to a science course.
- Covering a specific set of concepts.
For information about how course customization works in general, reference EdgeEX — Customizing courses overview.
As you customize a course, your changes are saved automatically.
An icon in the top navigation bar indicates that the changes are saving.
If you exit the Customization Pane without publishing your changes, when you return to the Content tab, you'll see a Resume Customization button. Click it to open the Customization Pane.
When you re-enter the Customization Pane, you'll see a note indicating who last updated the course and when. You can continue customizing or click the Start Over link to start over.
Frequently asked questions
Adding a lesson to a course
- Access the Customization Editor for one of the following:
- On the left navigation, select the Unit that you would like to add to.
- At the top-right of the list of lessons, the Add Lesson button displays. Click it.
- On the Add Lesson from Library page, select a Subject, then select a Library. You can also search for lessons by Keyword.
- Click Search.
- Review the list that displays. At a glance, you can see the name of the lesson, what library it came from, the estimated time of the lesson, and the number of Teacher-Scored Activities in the lesson.
- For details about the lesson, including which Objectives are covered and what type of Teacher-Scored Activities are present, click the arrow.
- Select the lesson(s) that you want to add.
- The added lessons display at the top of the list for that unit. You can:
- Click anywhere on the lesson to preview the lesson.
- Click the Trash icon to remove the added lesson.
Note: Once you publish the course changes, an added lesson can only be deleted at the level it was added to. The added lesson can only be hidden at lower levels.
- Use the Drag icon to change the order of the lessons.
- To undo your last change, you can click Undo at the top-right of the page.
- You can also use keyboard shortcuts (CTRL+Z on a PC, CMD+Z on a Mac) to undo a change.
- To undo all changes, click the X at the top-right of the page.
On the Discard Changes window that displays; click Confirm.
- At the top-right of the page, click Publish.
- On the confirmation screen, review the changes; then click Next.
- If you have hidden any content while customizing the course, determine if you want the hidden content included in assessments. Check or uncheck the boxes as applicable; then click Next.
The Hidden Content section only populates if you have hidden entire lessons. Otherwise, it remains blank.
- Review the grade weights and make any changes; then click Apply.
- A confirmation page displays; click Done.