Administrator Reports Overview

Use this page to access Administrator Reports and review general features of the dashboard and widgets. Data on the Administrator Reports refreshes overnight.


By default, Administrator Reports are visible to district administrators. For school administrators and teachers to see the reports, the View District Reports permission must be enabled on the user account. Data in the Administrator Reports includes only the school or schools associated with the user's account.

Accessing the Reports

  1. Under the More tab, select Administrator Reports.
  2. Click the title of the applicable report to view it.

Dashboard Features

The table below explains the general features of the dashboard and widgets.

You can also

Feature Description Image

Click Report Bookmarks to use preset or Custom Bookmarks.

Click Create Custom Bookmark to create your own bookmark.


Click the menu at the top-right of the report to export data.



The Export does not respect filters you have set; instead it exports all the data. We recommend using the Excel (.xlsx) version because it allows conditional formatting, which will allow you to easily filter the data after exporting it.

If you prefer to download in CSV format, select .csv from the File Format drop-down menu.


You can also download the report using the More Options drop-down menu on the top-right of the report columns. Clicking Export Data and taking the steps that follow allows you to export the report while preserving tables and filters.



Use the filters on the right side of the page to narrow information on the report.


Click Reset to remove any filters and reset the report.

Clear Selections

Hover next to the title of a widget and an eraser icon displays. Click it to reset the widget.



To learn about the features of the reports, use the links provided below.