Understanding the District Usage Report

Use this page to learn about the contents of the District Usage Report.


By default, Administrator Reports are visible to district administrators. For school administrators and teachers to see the reports, the View District Reports permission must be enabled on the user account. Data in the Administrator Reports includes only the school or schools associated with the user's account.

To learn about general features of the dashboard and widgets, including how to download the report, reference the Administrator Reports Overview. To learn about using filters and bookmarks, reference Filtering Administrator Reports and creating Custom Bookmarks.

The data on the District Usage Report refreshes overnight.

Accessing the Report

  1. Access the Administrator Reports and click District Usage.
  2. Review the report. 
  3. Export the report, if desired. At the top-right of the page, click Export, then select your desired file type. We recommend the Excel (.xlsx) version because it allows conditional formatting.


Report Features


The table below explains each section of the report.

Feature Description
Activity past 7 days
  • Top number shows enrollments with their most recent gradebook entry in the past 7 days.
  • Bottom number shows the total number of enrollments in active status.
Active time (avg)
  • Top number shows average active time in hours since the date enrolled.
  • Bottom number shows average number of days worked per week since the date enrolled.
Completed enrollments
  • Top number shows total number of enrollments in Completed status.
  • Bottom number shows enrollments that meet completion criteria (enrollment has 100% Progress and an Overall Grade greater than or equal to 60%) but are not in Completed status.
Monthly / Weekly tabs

View number of enrollments and average active time data by month or by week. 

To toggle between the two views, select the applicable tab from the options under the title of the graph.

Enrollments with activity and active time graph

Over a range of months or weeks:

  • Bar graph shows the number of enrollments that completed at least one gradebook entry.
  • Line graph shows active time in hours.

To toggle between the two views, click the menu at the top-right corner of the graph and select the applicable view.

  • Top number shows number of enrollments in all statuses (Active, Disabled, Complete) with a Progress of 0%. 
  • Bottom number show the total number of active non-starts.
No actions in last 7 days
  • Top number shows number of enrollments in Active status that have had no gradebook entry in the last 7 days.
  • Bottom number shows number of enrollments in Active status that have had no gradebook entry in the last 30 days.