Use this article to create EdgeEX course sections using the Bulk Import Wizard. The Bulk Import Wizard is an alternative method to creating sections by course. Use this method when you want to create all of your sections for all of your courses at one time, rather than creating the sections for each course individually. This method allows you to create sections for all the courses for all subjects using one spreadsheet.
Accessing the Bulk Import Wizard
- Access your School Catalog.
- At the top of the page, click Bulk Import Sections.
- The Bulk Import Wizard displays. Continue to the applicable section below:
Downloading and filling out the Import Template
- On the Bulk Import Wizard, click Download Import Template. An Excel file with the filename EdgeEX_Sections_Bulk_Import_Template downloads to your computer.
- Open the file.
- Fill in the spreadsheet.
Column Action Section ID If you have an integration with your SIS in which students are enrolled into courses via nightly import, input the section ID from your SIS. Otherwise, leave this field blank. Section Name Input the section name. Each section name must be unique. Course Input the course name as it appears in the Versions drop-down of the Course card in your School Catalog (for example, English 1, Geometry), as shown in the image:
Version From the drop-down list, select the applicable version (for example, HON, IC, CR). Length From the drop-down list, select the applicable course length (for example, Year, Semester A, Semester B). Grade Level From the drop-down list, select the applicable grade level.
Start Date Input the start date in MM/DD/YYYY format. The date cannot be today's date or a past date. Target Date Input the target date in MM/DD/YYYY format. Primary Teacher Input one of the following for the primary teacher:
- Name in last name, first name format
- External ID
- Username
Or, leave this field blank to be filled out later.
Additional Teachers Input one of the following for each additional teacher:
- Name in last name, first name format
- External ID
- Username
Or, leave this field blank to be filled out later.
You can include as many additional teachers as you want. Separate their identifiers (name, external ID, username) using a semicolon between names or a comma or semicolon between external IDs or usernames.
For example, you can provide any of the following:
- Last name, first name; last name, first name
- External ID, external ID
- Username; username
We do not recommend providing a combination of identifiers in the same row (for example, last name, first name; external ID).
- Save the Excel file and continue to the next section.
Uploading the Import Template file
- On the Bulk Import Wizard, click Upload File.
- At the top of your School Catalog page, the Bulk Import Wizard provides updates.
- When the Bulk Import Wizard confirms that the sections are Validated, click Review Sections.
- Review the list of sections that displays. From this page, you can edit and delete sections. If there are any issues with the upload, the section is highlighted and a red exclamation point indicates the columns that need attention.
- If desired, under Actions, click the trash icon to delete a section.
- Click the edit icon to make corrections to a section.
- On the flyout that displays, correct the applicable fields and click Update.
- Once all corrections have been made, click Import.
Navigate to the Manage Courses page to view your new sections.