EdgeEX science courses have two types of lab activities: hands-on labs and virtual labs.
Frequently asked questions
Remove all the lab lessons in their entirety.
EdgeEX virtual labs meet the science practice standards that require students to analyze and interpret data, draw conclusions from evidence, evaluate information, apply mathematics, and model scientific phenomena. Therefore, you can remove hands-on lab lessons from an initial credit course without impacting the standards alignment.
However, to ensure full standards alignment, do not customize projects out of the course.
Hands-on labs
Hands-on labs (also known as wet labs) are found in the lessons with "Lab" at the beginning of the lesson name. These lessons are intended to support students who are performing hands-on (not virtual) labs either in a school environment or at home. Hands-on lab lessons include a student guide to scaffold the lab procedure and help students make observations and capture data.
Hands-on lab lessons feature two post-lab activities:
- Assignment: Reflect on the Lab: These are system-scored assignments that ask students about the observations and conclusions they made in the hands-on lab activity.
- Lab Report: These are teacher-scored assignments that ask students to write a full lab report and upload it for review. A guide for writing lab reports is always available to students in the Student Tools section at the left of the screen:
Virtual labs
Virtual labs appear within the content lessons they relate to as additional activities after the Assignment. The virtual lab and reflection questions are contained within a single system-scored activity.
EdgeEX virtual labs are powered by best-in-class simulations from the award-winning organizations Explore Learning and PHeT. EdgeEX virtual labs provide rich opportunities for students to hypothesize, explore, manipulate variables, make observations, record data, and draw conclusions.
Taking the role of experimental scientist, students can investigate different outcomes by changing the conditions of the simulation, rather than simply clicking through pre-determined steps. With more than double the number of virtual lab experiences than heritage Edgenuity courses, EdgeEX science courses engage students in scientific thinking and reasoning as a regular practice.