EdgeEX — Course tiles in the Student Learning Experience

The homepage of the Student Learning Experience displays a tile for each course in which the student is enrolled. In addition to existing course tile functionality, EdgeEX course tiles in the Student Learning Experience have some more features.

Features of course tiles

Feature Description Image

EdgeEX logo

Students can identify an EdgeEX course by reviewing the logo in the top-right corner of the tile.


Pacing status

In addition to the existing pacing statuses of Ahead, Behind, and On Target, a new pacing status of Work Due Today displays when students have completed all work except work that is due today.


Grade metric

The grade metric displayed will change based on the school's preferred metric of overall, actual, or relative grade.

For more information, reference Setting the Grade Metric for the Student Experience.


View comments

An alert appears to let students know when they have new comments from a teacher. Clicking this button will bring the student directly to the activity so they can view the new comment in the context of their work.
