Teachers can use this page when grading any CTE or Odysseyware Grades 3–5 course assessments.
- On the main menu, select Dashboard.
- The yellow alert icon indicates an ungraded item. Left-click on the icon.
Learn more about other alerts.
- Select Review.
- Activities that require action include YES under Action Required. Click the row to view.
- Click View.
- Notice the number of questions to grade.
- Select the question to grade. Questions that require grading contain a pencil icon
- View the student's response to the question and enter a score. A decimal may be entered.
- Click Submit Score.
- Notice the count is dynamic and there are no additional questions required to grade. You are automatically shown the next question to grade if another is available.
- Click Submit Activity Score.
- Click X at the top right of the screen to exit the window.