Release Notes: Imagine Edgenuity and Legacy MyPath


Beginning in 2024, Product Updates are posted here: Imagine Learning Product Updates.


Release briefings are distributed whenever changes are made to Imagine Edgenuity that affect the daily activities of our educators or students. These changes can be new features, enhancements or improvements to current features, fix bugs, or functionality that otherwise impacts your experiences while working with Edgenuity. New changes are announced on your home page in red text as they are released, and the historical list of updates is here for your convenience.

Curriculum changes are not located here due to the number of courses we have available for use. Please refer to the release briefing document for each course which can be found by navigating to the Course Structures page from the Courses tab. Also, check out the Course Updates page for information on release dates of our courses.

Older Release Notes

NEW! 2022-02-08 Pretesting - Editable Time Limit

When enabled, educators can now set a time limit for the pretest. By default, students will have 60 minutes to complete the test. As with other edit course options features, this can be changed at an individual student level, bulk courses, and school-wide level.  

2022-01-17 The Attendance and Activity Log (Beta) pages have been removed as the Beta phase as ended. 

2021-12-08 Attendance and Activity Log (Beta)

This new report displays the usage time and number of activities completed for all students at the current school. The Speed Radar feature, which can be toggled on and off, highlights activities where the students' progress was faster than expected. This can be a sign of low engagement with the coursework or, in some cases, indicates the use of cheating software.

The report can be expanded for any student to show attendance and activity data on a course-by-course basis. Drilling down into daily data for a given course provides details of each activity within that course. Daily idle time is also shown for each student in the expanded view.

2021-09-23 - Edgenuity Plagiarism Checker - Manual Scanning: When plagiarism is suspected, an educator can scan a student's submission for academic integrity. 

2021-09-01 - Edgenuity Plagiarism Checker - Automatic Scanning: An embedded tool that automatically scans final essays to monitor student submissions for academic dishonesty. 

2021-03-09 - Additional Gender Option for Students: Find a new option available when selecting a student's gender. 

2021-02-26 - Professional Resources: Two new professional resources are available to educators, both of which can now be easily accessed from the homepage within the system. 

2021-02-09 -  Assessment IDs on Manage Students Page: A new way to find third-party assessment IDs for students can be found on the Manage Students page. 

2021-01-26 - Access Codes and Open Enrollment: Find two enrollment enhancements that will allow educators to generate access codes and provide an open enrollment option so students can self-enroll. 


Previous Release Notes


2013 2014 2015 2016
2017 2018 2019 2020