EdgeEX — Getting started for teachers

There are 3 pages that teachers will use most to navigate and take action on EdgeEX courses:

Use this article to orient yourself with navigating EdgeEX.

Getting started

Use the steps in this quick guide to get started with EdgeEX:

Step Action Related articles
1 Log in to Imagine Edgenuity as usual. Logging in to Imagine Edgenuity

The Educator Launchpad displays upon login. Take a quick glance at assessments to unlock, students who are out of retakes, and students whose work needs to be graded.

Using the Educator Launchpad


Navigate to your section from the Manage Courses page.

Managing Courses Overview


View and update sections in the Section Hub.

Section Hub overview


Navigate to your enrollments to view and update them in the Enrollment Hub.

Enrollment Hub overview

Navigating EdgeEX hubs – Quick guide

EdgeEX courses are organized by hubs. There are a couple of ways to quickly identify which hub you are in.

Review the left navigation

You can quickly identify which hub you are in by reviewing which tab on the left navigation is at the top:

If the first tab on left navigation is... You are in the...
Sections-tab.png Course Hub
Enrollments-Tab.png Section Hub
Grades.png Enrollment Hub

Review the breadcrumbs

The breadcrumbs at the top of each EdgeEX page provide an at-a-glance reminder of what hub you are in:

To return to the previous page, click the applicable breadcrumb.