EdgeEX — Troubleshooting: Allowed URLs and reviewing URL configurations

Use this article to make sure you have the appropriate URL configurations to allow for a successful experience with EdgeEX.

If your URL configuration is not up to date, students may get "stuck" and receive this error message when attempting to access an EdgeEX course:


Updating your district’s Allowed URLs list

If your district maintains a list of allowed URLs, you will need to update the list to allow all current required URLs for Edgenuity for your students to access EdgeEX content.

Updating your district’s Content Filter

Your district may also have a Content Filter, which may have its own list of allowed URLs. The content filter often must be updated separately, or students will encounter activity errors in EdgeEX when they try to launch blocked URLs.

Updating your students’ Chromebook profiles

If your students use Chromebooks, you may also need to update their Chromebook profiles to allow access to Edgenuity and EdgeEX URLs. Chromebook profiles often must be updated separately, or students will encounter activity errors in EdgeEX when they try to launch blocked URLs.

Edgenuity and EdgeEX required URLs

You can find current Allowed URL lists here: https://www.imaginelearning.com/support/technical-requirements/

Be sure to add:

  • The general required URLs, as listed in the Imagine Edgenuity Technical Requirements
  • Course-specific URLs for any courses you are using (note that URLs for eDynamic Learning and CTE courses are contained in separate documents on this page)


If your district requires sub-domain specific Allowed lists, you will need to add these subdomains separately to access EdgeEX:

  • edge-prod.doolittle-prod.wna.cloud
  • itemengine-item.itemengine-prod.il-apps.com
  • media.doolittle-production.wna.cloud
  • house-fastly-signed-us-east-1-prod.brightcovecdn.com

How can I test whether everything has been properly updated?

  1. Log in to your network as a student from a computer and profile that would be subject to content filtering and firewalls.
  2. To determine if the district's content filtering and firewall setup is blocking something that EdgeEX needs in order to function, click this link.
  3. Review the results at the top left of the page.
  4. Do one of the following:
    If the result is... Then...

    You have the appropriate URL configurations to allow for a successful experience with EdgeEX.

    No further action is required.

    Any other result (for example, 403 error)

    The configuration is not working correctly.

    Continue to step 5.

  5. Ask your district's technical director to update the district's Allowed URL List using the information in this article.
  6. Have the technical director repeat steps 1 and 2 above to determine if the adjustments made were successful.