To turn off IP Registry for certain students, follow the steps outlined on this page.
- Click IP Address Registry under the drop-down menu.
- In the second drop-down menu, choose the option you want for your students.
- No Access – students will have no access to Edgenuity when off-campus.
- Instruction and Assignments – students can access Instruction and Assignments, but cannot access pretests, quizzes, tests, prescriptive tests, VT diagnostics, and exams.
- Instruction, Assignments, Pretests and Quizzes - students can access Instruction, Assignments, Pretests and Quizzes, but cannot access tests, exams, prescriptive tests, or VT diagnostics.
- Click Configure IP Address Registry.
- Select the Exemptions tab.
- Search for your student. Click Search.
- Click Add next to the student you want to add to the exception list.
- Close out the window by using the X button.
- Click Save.