Enrollment Actions for Active Enrollments

The following describes each action available to educators on the Manage Enrollments page.

  • Depending on your permissions and the enrollments selected, you may not see all of these options.
  • Some actions are available for only one enrollment, while others can be applied to multiple enrollments in bulk as listed below.
  • Some of these actions can only be applied when the educator is in the same school as the enrollment.


If you don't see any one or more of these actions and you have the associated permission, check to make sure you are in the same school as the student. 

Action Single Enrollment Bulk Enrollment Description
Mark Complete White_green_checkmark.png White_green_checkmark.png Used for students who have completed the course and intended for a student earning credit
Disable White_green_checkmark.png White_green_checkmark.png Used for students who have not completed the course and will not be earning credit
Change Start Date White_green_checkmark.png White_green_checkmark.png Setting the date a student is intended to begin the course
Change Target Date White_green_checkmark.png White_green_checkmark.png Setting the date a student is expected to complete the course
Change Dates White_green_checkmark.png White_green_checkmark.png Change the start and target dates at once
Customize White_green_checkmark.png White_red_x.png Make adjustments to the student's course