Quiz Review Method (Definition)

Teachers can control a student's visibility to quiz questions and answers after the quiz is submitted. Some teachers have found that allowing their students to review previous quizzes can help the students learn as they go through the course. Please talk to your program administrator about these options before implementing them.

Please note, these options are only available on quizzes and not exams to maintain the integrity of the assessment question banks.

Educators have three choices for how students will be able to review their completed quizzes:

  • No Review – Upon submitting the quiz, students will not be able to review any information regarding the quizzes
  • Questions and Student Answers – Upon submitting the quiz, students can review the questions and the answers they selected, indicating whether it was correct or incorrect. This is the default option for most Edgenuity courses when they are released.
  • Questions and Correct Answers – Upon submitting the quiz, students can review the questions, their selected answers, and also the correct answers for all quiz questions.


You will want to consider your students and whether or not providing them access to the correct answers will be beneficial to them. Keep in mind that while students will see a sampling of questions from the assessment banks, this last option does make it easier for students to share answers with other students who have not yet taken the quizzes.


To find out how to edit the quiz review method, use one of the following links: 

Edit the Course Options for a Student Edit the Course Options for a Single Course Edit the Course Options for Multiple Courses