Automatic Progression (Definition)

When Automatic Progression is not on, students have a preset, finite number of attempts to meet or exceed the assessment passing thresholds set on their courses. When students do not meet the passing threshold for their assessments within the allotted number of attempts, they typically cannot progress in their course and an "Out of Retakes" alert will show for educators who must intervene and address the alert before the student can move forward.

With the Automatic Progression option enabled, the system accepts the highest earned score, even if it does not meet the passing threshold, and allows the student to progress on to the next activity. Because the student will not be stopped in the course for using all of their retake attempts, the retake alert on the Dashboard will not appear on courses with this feature enabled.

Students have a finite number of attempts to meet or exceed the assessment passing thresholds set on their courses. When students do not meet the passing threshold for their assessments within the allotted number of attempts, they typically cannot progress in their course until they receive intervention from an educator.

If the next activity is an assessment and Teacher Review is enabled, the student will be stopped and a teacher review is required before they can begin that assessment.