Course Types

Looking for a specific type of course? Each course series tells you about the course type, what product it’s a part of, and how it will behave for students. 


Course type Series name Description

General: Our general courses are usually available in both Initial Credit (IC) and Credit Recovery (CR) versions; CR versions are shorter (about 40 hours per semester) and have few to no teacher-scored activities. Sometimes, Honors (HON) versions are also available; these are longer (about 60 hours per semester), with additional lessons and more teacher-scored activities. 

1000 and 2000 series

1000 and 2000-series courses are in an older instructional model, although they may have received updates over time. These courses have activities like Vocabulary, Journals, Online Content, and Lab Assessment.


Under Series, select either 1000 or 2000.

3000 Series

3000-series courses follow a newer instructional design. These courses have activities like Warm-up, Summary, and Virtual/Wet Labs.


Under Series, select 3000


EdgeEX courses are our newest offering. These courses have a similar instructional design to 3000-series courses, but they run in an updated player and have an array of new functionality for both students and educators.


Under Series, select EdgeEX.

Initial Credit only: Some of our courses are available as Initial Credit only.



Advanced Placement (AP)

AP courses are approved by the College Board. These courses should not be customized, as their syllabi are approved in full. However, you can modify the course options as needed.


Under Series, select AP.

World Language LMS

World Language and World Language LMS courses follow an instructional design unique to world language. We also do not recommend customizing these, because the assessments are not dynamic; that is, removing a lesson from a unit will not remove that content from the unit test.

Under Series, select World Language LMS.

Exceptional Students course suite

The Exceptional Students course suite is designed for high school students working three or more grade levels behind. These courses cover foundational standards from earlier grades and are ideal for students whose IEPs allow them to earn credit for courses that are below grade level.


Under Series, select Exceptional Students.

Concept Recovery: These short modules contain 1–8 lessons designed to teach a specific standard or 2–3 tightly related standards


Concept Recovery modules are available for some, but not all, states and standards sets. Nationally, they are available for Common Core Math and ELA and Next Generation Science. These can be assigned to students based on need.


Under Series, select Modules.

Supplemental: These are supplemental courses available in the Imagine Edgenuity LMS.


Imagine Purpose and Imagine Purpose Modules

Imagine Purpose and Imagine Purpose Modules are part of the Imagine Purpose product, designed to support students in learning life skills like self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. The modules are short, specific interventions; the courses are longer and designed to be taught in a blended learning environment.


Under Series, select Imagine Purpose or Imagine Purpose Prep Modules.  

Career and Technical Education (CTE)



Career and Technical Education (CTE)

The Career and Technical Education suite has three associated series:

  • Career Electives and Career Pathways were all developed natively in Imagine Edgenuity.
  • Courses with the CTE series were developed originally in Odysseyware but are now available within the Edgenuity LMS.
  • We also partner with eDynamic Learning to offer their CTE electives; these are indicated by the series eDynamic Learning Electives.


Under Series, select Career Electives, Career Pathways, CTE, or eDynamic Learning.


Elementary content

In addition to the CTE series, we also have a series of elementary content. These courses contain content appropriate for students in grades 3–5.


Under Series, select 3–5 Courses.

Virtual Tutor and Booster: We have two series whose courses include an up-front diagnostic test. The learning path is then automatically customized based on the student’s strengths and weaknesses.


Virtual Tutor (VT) series

VT courses are designed to help students study for a specific state or national high-stakes test.


Under Series, select VT.

Booster courses

Booster courses are designed to help students get ready for the next grade; they are best implemented in the summer as part of a bridge program or in the first few weeks of the new year.


Under Series, select Booster.

Fitness: We have a special series for Fitness courses.

Fitness courses

Any course with the Fitness series will have a Fitness Log associated with the course.


Under Series, select Fitness.

Instructional Services

Instructional Services (IS)

Instructional Services offerings are covered in detail in the Imagine School Services help center.

Under Series, select ES IS or eDL IS.