Using the % Complete by Time, this report displays the number of active courses assigned to active users that are between 90% - 100% complete.
- Under the More tab, select More Reports.
- Enter a date by typing in the date field or clicking the calendar icon . This date is the beginning point of the data range. District reports display data from the date chosen to the current date. The format is DD/MM/YYYY.
- Click Courses within 10% Complete by School and Grade Level.
Print the Report How-to Guide and use it as a reference.
- The report opens in a new browser window. This may take a few minutes depending on the size of the district.
The report details the following:
a. The number of courses per grade level, per school, which are between 90 and 100% complete by time.
b. The Grand Total column indicates the total number of courses, across grade levels, in each school, which are between 90 and 100% complete by time.
Click Export to Excel to export the data.