Submitting an Essay for Revision

This page will help you locate an essay where a student will be given a chance to revise their writing assignment. This allows a student to edit a previous writing submission without starting over.

  1. Access the Selected Student tab for the applicable student and click View Courses
  2. Select the radio button next to the course.
  3. Click Grades.
  4. Find the activity by expanding the unit and lesson. Click the activity.


    To find out about all the actions an educator can take, refer to Reviewing an Assessment- Educator Options.

  5. Click the attempt.
  6. Click Revise Activity.
  7. Enter a reason.
  8. Click Allow Revision.


    This will allow for a student to make changes to the student's current submission and not require the student to rewrite the entire response from scratch.


    Only the first two submissions will be sent for a suggested score with the auto-scoring feature. Any attempts after will require the teacher to manually score the essay.