Auto Grading Method

Use this page to enable or disable the auto grading method section for a course.

Frequently Asked Questions:
What percentage of activities in Edgenuity’s® curriculum must be graded by a teacher?

For initial credit courses, the answer is 5–10%, depending on the course. Essays are supported by an auto-scoring engine that suggests a grade based on structure and grammar, but teachers must review and accept/modify the score before it shows for students. If a district wants to reduce the amount of teacher grading, they can customize projects, performance tasks, and lab reports out of the course. They can also enable completion grading, which will remove the requirement that teachers review essays before the score shows for students, but we do not recommend this for credit-bearing courses. Credit recovery courses have little to no teacher grading.

Project-based CTE courses and AP® courses both require significantly more teacher grading. More than half of the activities could be teacher graded for project-based electives. For AP courses, roughly 25% of the activities are teacher graded. AP courses also require teachers to facilitate online discussions through Collaboration Corner.

What is the minimum word count for essays?
The minimum word counts for rough drafts and final drafts are 100 words and 150 words, respectively. Essays that are this short are not likely to receive high scores, but the system will accept them.
What is the maximum word count for essays?
The maximum word count for essays is 10,000 words. However, the auto-scoring engine is not capable of grading essays that exceed 800 words. The LMS will still accept essays that are longer than 800 words, but the instructor will need to manually grade these essays.
How can I tell whether a student has answered a question correctly?

Green checkmark: You chose this answer, and this answer is the correct answer (all tasks).


Red checkmark: You didn’t choose this answer, but it is the correct answer (dropdown or multiple-choice task).

graycheck.jpg Gray checkmark: You didn’t choose this answer, but it is the correct answer (checkbox task).
redx.jpg Red X: You chose this answer, but it was the incorrect answer (checkbox task).
grayx.jpg Gray X: You didn’t choose this answer, and it is the incorrect answer (checkbox task).


To follow the steps listed below, you will need to have "Edit Course Options" checked under School Courses. To validate your permissions, click here.

  1. Under the Courses tab, select Manage Courses.
  2. Find the course with the filters or the search bar. 
  3. Checkmark the course(s). Click Edit Course Options.
  4. In the Auto Grading Method section, select the radio-dial next to the auto grading method desired for the course and click Submit. To learn more about each method, click here.
  5. A notification window will ask which students should be affected by these changes. Select a choice. Click Submit.
  6. At the top of the page, a confirmation states the changes were made successfully.