Gradebook Icons

As data populates in the Course Gradebook, the following icons may appear:

Introduction Video:



Gradebook Icon Icon Name Definition
Current_activity.png Bookmark This is the student's current activity or an activity the student has already started but not completed.
Content_customized_out.png Circle Slash The content has been customized out of the student's course. The icon will also appear if the student passes out of a lesson in a prescriptive test.
Out_of_retakes.png Clock This student is out of retakes.
Student_passed_pretest.png Circle P The student has passed the pretest for this lesson.
Score_below_pass_threshold.png Red Score A score displayed in red text is below the passing threshold and is calculated towards the overall grade.
Customize_course_icon.png Gear Next to Name This student's course has been customized to add additional content that is not shown in the Gradebook course structure. To view the student's activity in the added content, visit the student's individual grades page.
Activity_needs_grading.png Pencil The activity needs teacher grading.
Bypass_activity.png B-Box This activity has either been manually bypassed or, if Pretesting is enabled, the B-boxes display here until the student takes the lesson Pretest.
Assessment_is_locked.png Lock The assessment is locked pending teacher review.