School-Wide Assessment Options

The Assessment Options allow educators to customize how the course assessments are delivered. An educator can control whether or not the students have access to their notes during a test or if students are allowed to save their exams and complete it at a later time.


To follow the steps listed below, you will need to have "Edit Course Options" checked under School Courses. To validate your permissions, click here.

Need to know how to access this page? View the steps here.

  1. Checkmark the course(s). Click Edit Course Options.
  2. In the Assessment Options section, place a checkmark next to the assessment options desired for the course, then click Submit. To know more about each option, click here.


    Spiral Review will not work on eDynamic Learning Courses.

  3. A notification window will ask which students should be affected by these changes. Select a choice. Click Submit.
  4. At the top of the page, a confirmation states the changes were made successfully.