Editing the Course Options for Multiple Courses

Frequently Asked Questions:
Do all the course options work on eDynamic Learning courses?
No. Despite being listed, spiral review, pretesting, and prescriptive testing will not work on these courses.
If I choose to make changes to all courses and to active enrollments, will the parallel educator accounts be impacted too?
Yes. When you make changes to the edit options for a course and choose to affect enrollments, the edit options for the parallel educator account enrollment are updated along with the edit options of the students.


To follow the steps listed below, you will need to have "Edit Course Options" and "Manage Course Options in Bulk" checked under School Courses. To validate your permissions, click here.

  1. Locate and select all the courses whose options you wish to modify.
  2. Click Edit Course Options.
  3. Make the adjustments needed. To learn more about each one, click here.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Select the enrollment option.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Confirm all changes are accurate. Click Submit.
  8. Changes were submitted. Click OK.