EdgeEX — Using the SIS Import Wizard to manage SIS Enrollment Codes



To use the SIS Import Wizard to manage Student Information System (SIS) codes for a district, you must have permission provided specifically to you by the Imagine Learning integrations team. Importing SIS enrollment codes is required in order to create EdgeEX enrollments via an integration. Enrollment Integration is a paid add-on feature. If your district needs to set up Enrollment Integration, please contact your Imagine Learning Account Executive.

Use this article to update SIS Enrollment Codes using the SIS Import Wizard. The SIS Import Wizard allows you to upload SIS Enrollment Codes for all the courses in a district or school using one spreadsheet. Alternatively, if you only need to update the SIS Enrollment Code for one course, you can update it in the Course Information on the Content tab of the applicable course.

Accessing the SIS Import Wizard

  1. Access your District Catalog.
  2. At the top of the page, click SIS Code Upload.
  3. The SIS Import Wizard displays. Continue to the applicable section below:

Downloading and filling out the Import Template

  1. On the SIS Import Wizard, click Download Import Template. An Excel file with the filename EdgeEX_SIS_Codes_Template downloads to your computer.
  2. Open the file. 
  3. In the External Course Code column for each course, input the SIS Enrollment Code. This is the code associated with the course in your district's Student Information System.


    • Codes must be unique within a school. You can use the same code for the same course at every school in your district.
    • The codes cannot be shared by heritage and EdgeEX courses. To reuse the same basic code structure, consider adding -ex to identify EdgeEX courses.
  4. Save the Excel file and continue to the next section.

Uploading the Import Template file

  1. On the SIS Import Wizard, click Upload File.
  2. At the top of your District Catalog page, the SIS Import Wizard indicates that the Excel file is uploaded.
  3. Refresh the page and the SIS Import Wizard confirms that the codes are Validated. Click Review Codes

  4. Review the codes in the External Course Code column. If a code doesn't look right, you can remove it, edit the Excel file, and re-upload it.
  5. At the bottom of the screen, click Import.
  6. SIS Enrollment Codes that have been saved display in the Course Hub and can be updated there one at a time (by users with permission provided by the integrations team, as described at the top of this article).
    SIS Enrollment Codes that have been saved also display on the SIS Import Template the next time it is downloaded. You can save new values by overwriting the existing codes and completing the upload process a second time.


With the Enrollment Integration set up and the SIS Enrollment Codes added to your courses, EdgeEX Sections will be created via the Enrollment Integration if the Section does not already exist in EdgeEX. In the future, if you add more EdgeEX Courses to your District Catalog, remember to create SIS Enrollment Codes for them.