EdgeEX — Adding a course to the District Catalog


To view the Imagine Edgenuity Catalog and District Catalog, you must have the EdgeEX View Imagine Edgenuity Catalog and EdgeEX View District Catalog permissions. To check your permissions, reference Checking your educator permissions.

Use this article to add a course to the District Catalog.

Frequently asked questions

How do I remove a course from the District Catalog?
At this time, courses that have been added to the District Catalog cannot be removed.

Adding a course to the District Catalog

  1. Access the Imagine Edgenuity Catalog and locate the course you want to add.
  2. Click the Add to My District button.
  3. The Add to My District button changes to Added to My District and a confirmation message displays. Click the link to view your District Catalog or click the X to close the message.

Video: How to provision courses