When On-Demand Tutoring is turned on, a student can reach out to a tutor via chat and receive assistance with activities.
- The process for enabling and disabling On-Demand Tutoring for EdgeEX courses is different. Reference EdgeEX — On-Demand Tutoring for steps.
- There are some situations in which administrators cannot enable On-Demand Tutoring without assistance, for example, when a student transfers from a school without On-Demand Tutoring to a school with On-Demand Tutoring. In these scenarios, contact your CSM for assistance.
Frequently asked questions
Tutoring is not showing for my student's enrollment even though the course's school has On-Demand Tutoring enabled. Why not?
The student's home school must have On-Demand Tutoring turned on and the student must be enrolled in courses through the home school. Review your student's enrollments and verify that they are associated with the student's home school.
Enabling On-Demand Tutoring
Need to know how to access this page? View the steps here.
- On the Manage Courses page, click the Filters button.
- On the Subject tab, select the applicable subjects and click Apply.
On-Demand Tutoring is available for core subjects (Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies) and French and Spanish only. If you want to enable On-Demand Tutoring for all of these available courses, first filter for all core classes and complete the remaining steps in this article. Then, return to this step and filter for French, then Spanish.
- Click the Select All option.
- Click Edit Course Options.
- Click IS Chat Support.
- Select the desired option.
By enabling On-Demand Tutoring, you will be changing the setting for all students in the course.
- If done, click Next. To find out about other course options, click here.
- Select the enrollment option Make changes to all courses, and to the following enrollments and select Active Enrollments. Then click Next.
- Confirm the changes. Click Submit.
- A confirmation window will show the changes were submitted. Click OK.