EdgeEX — Using the Educator Launchpad


Looking for information about the Dashboard for heritage Imagine Edgenuity courses? Reference The Dashboard components.


To view and access the Educator Launchpad, you must have the applicable permissions based on your role:

  • District Administrator:  View District Schools, EdgeEX View All Sections in Launchpad, Complete Teacher Review, and Add Retake
  • School Administrator: EdgeEX View All Sections in Launchpad, Complete Teacher Review, and Add Retake
  • Teacher: Complete Teacher Review and/or Add Retake only

To check your permissions, reference Checking your educator permissions.

Frequently asked questions

Does the Launchpad display for teachers who do not have EdgeEX sections?
No. The Launchpad displays only for teachers associated with at least one EdgeEX section as either a primary or additional teacher.

Additionally, anyone who has the EdgeEX View All Sections in Launchpad permission will be able to see all sections in the school or district on the Launchpad. (This permission is off for teachers by default.)

How do I know if I have an EdgeEX section assigned to me?

On the Manage Courses page, filter by Teacher (your name) and Series (EdgeEX) to see if you are listed as the teacher for an EdgeEX section. If you are not listed and you should be, contact your administrator and ask to be added.

I have an EdgeEX section assigned to me but I can't see the Educator Launchpad. What should I do?

On the Manage Courses page, filter by Teacher (your name) and Series (EdgeEX) to double check that you are listed as the teacher for an EdgeEX section. If you are not listed and you should be, contact your administrator and ask to be added.

If you have tried the above troubleshooting and still cannot view the Educator Launchpad, contact support.

Does the Launchpad display enrollments in all schools or just the school I'm currently in?
It displays all enrollments in all schools and sections to which you have access.


The Educator Launchpad displays on the Homepage when educators log in to Imagine Edgenuity. It provides an at-a-glance view of alerts and allows you to take action when students need assessments unlocked, are are out of retakes, or have work that needs to be graded. EdgeEX courses do not display on the Dashboard; they display here instead. Data on the Educator Launchpad refreshes approximately every 60 seconds.

For teachers, the Educator Launchpad only displays enrollments in sections where the user is assigned as a primary or additional teacher. The permission EdgeEX View All Sections in Launchpad allows a user to view all enrollments in all EdgeEX sections, regardless of whether the user is assigned as a teacher to that section. This permission is on by default for administrators and off by default for teachers.

To return to the Educator Launchpad from any other page, click the Imagine Edgenuity icon in the top-left corner of the screen.

Features of the Educator Launchpad

The Educator Launchpad contains 3 widgets. Each widget can be filtered to narrow the list of enrollments.

Widget Description
Assessments to Unlock

Click the Quick View button to:

  • View students who need to have assessments unlocked.
  • Unlock all assessments for multiple blocked students or unlock an assessment for one student at a time.
Out of Retakes

Click the Quick View button to:

  • View students who are out of retakes.
  • Give one or multiple blocked students one additional assessment attempt.
Work to Grade

Click the Quick View button to:

  • View students who have work that needs to be graded.
  • Be taken to a student's gradebook to grade their work.