Imagine Edgenuity Student Experience – Educator Resources

This page is intended to be the one-stop place for any educator to find all of the info they need on the student experience. Click any link below to jump to a specific section.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a way to select the grade metric (Overall, Actual, Relative) our school or district uses for reporting to be shown to students?

Each school can select one primary grade metric, which will appear on the student’s Homepage. If desired, schools can also select additional grade metrics to display for students on the Course Report. This choice must be made at the school level. It cannot be configured individually for different courses or students. By default, all schools will be set to display the Actual grade as primary and have no secondary grade metrics. If your school wishes to change the default, District or School Administrators will be able to do so. Please visit our article on How to Select the Primary Grade Metrics

How do I make sure the ‘Require Orientation Video’ setting is turned on for all my students? What if I Want to Change the setting?

You can enable the Orientation Video for multiple students. This option can also be disabled if needed. 

How does the Student Experience help students stay on track with progress?

The student experience offers a few different ways to help students stay on top of their progress. The Course Map provides the due dates for each activity. If an activity is overdue, then an indicator appears next to that activity. Also, students always have the option to view the Course Report which can be used as a printable assignment calendar. 

Is there an easy way for students to locate teacher feedback?

Once a student lands on the Course Map, an alert indicating "You have feedback" is clearly visible at the top. There will also be a comment indicator next to the activity that contains the feedback.

How does Imagine Edgenuity gate activities for students?

In multi-page activities (for example, warm-up, instruction, summary, assignment), each page is gated until the student answers the question on the previous page. If the previous page contains a video (that is, there is no question for the student to answer), the page is gated until the expected elapsed time for the video is complete.

Will the student experience work on all the browsers?

Yes, but for security and reliability, Imagine Edgenuity only supports browser versions released within the last 6 months. For more information, reference Checking your browser version.

Introduction to the Imagine Edgenuity Student Experience

 Student Experience Orientation Video - Heritage

This webinar gives a preview of the heritage Imagine Edgenuity Student Experience.

Use this code to embed in an external link.

Student Experience Orientation Video - EdgeEX

This webinar gives a preview of the EdgeEX Imagine Edgenuity Student Experience.

Use this code to embed in an external link.

How to select the grade metrics

Use this article to select the preferred grade metrics for a school.

Student Orientation Videos

When the setting “Require Student to Watch Orientation Video” has been enabled on the student profile, the student will be required to watch two short videos. The first video by grade metric is presented when they log into Imagine Edgenuity for the first time. All students are shown the heritage version. The second video appears when the student accesses the Course Map in a heritage Imagine Edgenuity course for the first time.

If you would like students to view the EdgeEX Student Experience Orientation as part of starting an EdgeEX course, you can add the Getting Started lesson to any EdgeEX course. For steps, reference EdgeEX — Customizing Courses: Adding a lesson to a course, section, or enrollment. Search for the Getting Started lesson.

Orientation By Grade Metric Videos

Edgenuity has three grade metrics for a school to choose to be displayed on the student's home page. Based on the administrator’s selections, students will either see the Overall Grade, Actual Grade, or Relative Grade on their new student experience home page. We have a video for each grade option, the only difference being the grade metric displayed. Please watch the video that pertains to your administrator’s default grade selection.
Overall Grade: Heritage Actual Grade: Heritage Relative Grade: Heritage
Overall Grade: EdgeEX Actual Grade: EdgeEX Relative Grade: EdgeEX

Use these Overall Grade, Actual Grade, or Relative Grade codes to embed in an external link.

Course Map (5:03)

If the student’s profile has the setting “Require Student to Watch Orientation Video” enabled, the student is also required to watch this video the first time they access the Course Map page for a heritage Imagine Edgenuity course.