Additional Educator Resources for the Student Experience

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the student experience help students stay on track with progress?

The student experience offers a few different ways to help students stay on top of their progress. The Course Map provides the due dates for each activity. If an activity is overdue, then an indicator appears next to that activity. Also, students always have the option to view the Course Report which can be used as a printable assignment calendar. 

How does the Student Experience help students find their teachers’ feedback?

Once a student lands on the Course Map, they will see a "You have feedback" alert at the top. There will also be a comment indicator next to the activity that contains the feedback.

How do students access the scores and activity report in the Student Experience?

This report has been replaced with the Course Report. Students can find this by scrolling to the top of the Course Map page, after clicking on a class card from the home page.

Find additional resources about the student experience.

Code to Embed the Actual Grade Video Code to Embed the Overall Grade Video Code to Embed the Relative Grade Video


Code to Embed the Course Map Video Code to Embed the Student Orientation Video