Changing a Project, Performance Task, or Lab Score from the Dashboard


To follow the steps listed below, you will need to have "Change Grades" checked under Gradebook Options. To validate your permissions, click here.

  1. On the main menu, select Dashboard.
  2. By default, the Progress tab will be selected.
  3. All the students are listed here with each class in which they are enrolled. Filter to see a particular set of students. With each filter, click Apply.
  4. Choose the information desired on the screen by using the display options.
  5. Sort in different ways to be able to interpret the data.
  6. Any student who has a yellow alert icon has an item for the teacher to grade. Left-click on the icon.


    Learn more about the other alerts.

  7. Select Review.
  8. Any activity needing action, YES is displayed under Action Required. Click on the row to view.


    Essays, Projects, or Labs would also be displayed here.

  9. The lesson should be expanded already with the item highlighted. If not, expand the unit and lesson of the performance task, project, or lab needing graded. 
  10. Click Performance Task. For a project, the activity will start with Project: and a lab report will have Lab:.

    To find out about all the actions an educator can take, click here.

  11. Click the attempt.
  12. The current score for the project, performance task, or lab is on the top left.
  13. Click Change Score.
  14. In the New Score box, enter the percentage without the percent sign, then click Submit


    The system reads the number placed in the score box as a percentage. If the student receives a 23/25 (92%), then put 92 in the box.

  15. To provide comments, write them in the Comments box. Click Update Comments.
  16. Exit out of the window when finished.