This report allows an educator to assess the status of a student in a course. A variety of measurements are provided to understand the overall performance of the student.
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Progress Report Breakdown:
Click below to find out more about each measurement:
The key to the colors is:
- Green= The student is ahead of schedule which occurs when the student's complete percentage is more than 3% ahead of the target completion percentage. Continuing on this path, the student will finish before the target date.
- Blue= The student is on track to finish the course at the target date.
- Red= The student is falling behind which occurs when the student's complete percentage is more than 3% behind the target completion percentage. Continuing on this path, the student will not complete the course by the target date.
- Orange= This is where the student should be based on the start and target date you entered for the course.
- Complete
The student’s current progress in the course, color-coded by the key above. This percentage is based on time, not by count.
- Overall Grade
This is a straightforward, weighted average of the activities a student has completed in the course. If the student’s course grade has a weight for an activity category the student has not yet completed, that weight will be spread among the other categories proportionally. This grade does not incorporate any penalties for late or missing work. Teachers should reference this grade daily to determine whether a student is beginning to struggle with mastering the content.
The next section of calculations do not have colors, but are the straight calculations.
- Complete (Count)
A student’s progress based on the number of assignments completed versus the total number of assignments in the course.
- Start Date
The date the student is expected to start the course.
- Target Date
The date the student is expected to complete the course.
- Est. Time Remaining
An approximate time remaining in the course.
- Relative Grade
Also referred to as the "drop grade," this metric is computed by assigning zeros for all activities a student has not yet completed in the course. It reflects the student’s final course grade if he were to drop the course today. Many teachers decide to use this grade as the final course grade.
- Actual Grade
It is the overall grade adjusted for progress if a student is behind. This score doesn't assume zeros for uncompleted work; simply penalizes for falling behind. It makes use of a ratio that represents the student’s actual progress divided by his target progress.
- Target Completion
Identifies what the student's progress should be in order to be considered on-track for course completion.
- Daily Goal
The time a student needs to dedicate to stay on pace for the course.