Understanding the Student Progress Report

Progress report emails are sent to parents or guardians from noreply@communications.imaginelearning.com. Parents and guardians should add this address to their approved senders list so that progress report emails do not end up in the spam or junk folder.

Contents of progress report email

The progress report email sent to a parent/guardian in the email looks like this: 

Metric Description
Name of Course The course the student has earned the grades for.
Grade(s) Edgenuity has three different grade metrics. Schools select one of the metrics to be the primary metric and have the option to select the other two to be secondary metrics.

Depending on the school's selection will determine whether one, two, or three metrics show in this section.
Actual Grade

This is the overall grade adjusted for progress if a student is behind.

Actual Grade is calculated differently in EdgeEX and heritage courses. Reference EdgeEX and heritage Edgenuity — Calculating Actual Grade for details.

Overall Grade The grade your student has earned thus far in the course, based on all activities and assessments he/she has completed. This is the percentage grade based on a 0-100% scale.
Relative Grade This is the grade that a student would receive if he/she stopped working and received 0% for all unfinished activities.
Progress There are four elements in this section that advise you on the progress your student is making in the course
Course Completed Percentage Indicates the percent of the course completed, calculated by the number of assignments completed vs the total number of assignments in the course weighted by the average time it takes a student to complete the types of assignments.
Target Completion Indicates how far along in the course the student should be
Start Date The date the student is expected to start the course.
End Date Also known as Target Date, this is the date the student is expected to have completed the course.

If the End Date is the same as the Start Date, then the teacher has not set a date for the student to have the course completed by. This will impact the Current and Target percentages.

Grade Metrics Explained


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