Suggestions for motivating students

The table below provides suggestions for motivating students. 

Possible reason How to verify Suggested solutions
Student is frustrated and overwhelmed by the length of the course Observe the student and conference with them regarding their progress.
  • Make modifications according to the student’s IEP (if appropriate).
  • Shorten course content by removing activities.
  • Enable Pretesting for all courses except for Language Arts, World Language, and CEE (Pretesting is recommended over Prescriptive Testing).
  • Extend the Target Date to reflect when students will be expected to finish their Edgenuity course(s).
  • Offer extrinsic/intrinsic rewards, examples include:
    1. If a student completes their work ahead of schedule, they can use the remainder of the class period for study hall or another activity.
    2. When a student passes their quiz, their name gets entered in weekly/monthly drawing.
    3. The student receives a certificate of completion at the end of their course.