Imagine Edgenuity State Course Codes

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In the summer of 2003, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) initiated work to develop a common classification system for secondary school courses in the United States. The resulting system is the Secondary School Course Classification System: School Codes for Exchange of Data (SCED).

SCED is a voluntary, common classification system for prior-to-secondary and secondary school courses. It can be used to compare course information, maintain longitudinal data about student coursework, and efficiently exchange course-taking records. SCED is based on a five-digit Course Code that provides a basic structure for classifying course content.

Course Name Y/S Subject SCED Code SCED Course
Online Learning and Digital Citizenship S Academic Enrichment 22003 Study Skills
Strategies for Academic Success S Academic Enrichment 22003 Study Skills
VT-ACCUPLACER® Y Academic Enrichment 22001 Standardized Test Preparation
VT-ACT® Y Academic Enrichment 22001 Standardized Test Preparation
VT-COMPASS® Y Academic Enrichment 22001 Standardized Test Preparation
VT-GED® Y Academic Enrichment 22001 Standardized Test Preparation
VT-SAT® Y Academic Enrichment 22001 Standardized Test Preparation
Introduction to Business A S Business and Marketing 12051 Introductory Business
Introduction to Business B S Business and Marketing 12051 Introductory Business
Introduction to Entrepreneurship I S Business and Marketing 12053 Entrepreneurship
Introduction to Entrepreneurship II S Business and Marketing 12053 Entrepreneurship
Career Explorations Y Career Exploration/Development 22151 Career Exploration
Career Planning and Development S Career Exploration/Development 22152 Employability Skills
Introduction to Information Technology A S Computer and Information Sciences 10254 IT Essentials
Introduction to Information Technology B S Computer and Information Sciences 10254 IT Essentials
Computer Applications - Office 2019/Office 365 Y Information Technology 10004 Computer Applications
AP® English Language and Composition Y English Language and Literature 01005 AP® English Language and Composition
AP® English Literature and Composition Y English Language and Literature 01006 AP® English Literature and Composition
Language Arts 6 Y English Language and Literature 01034 Language Arts 6
Language Arts 7 Y English Language and Literature 01035 Language Arts 7
Language Arts 8 Y English Language and Literature 01036 Language Arts 8
Language Arts 10 Y English Language and Literature 01002 English Language Arts II (10th grade)
Language Arts 11 Y English Language and Literature 01003 English Language Arts III (11th grade)
Language Arts 12 Y English Language and Literature 01004 English Language Arts IV (12th grade)
Language Arts 9 Y English Language and Literature 01001 English Language Arts I (9th grade)
Expository Reading and Writing S English Language and Literature 01102 English/Composition (juniors and seniors)
Introduction to Communications and Speech S English Language and Literature 01155 Communications
Literacy and Comprehension I S English Language and Literature 01009 Language Arts Laboratory
Literacy and Comprehension II S English Language and Literature 01009 Language Arts Laboratory
Personal Finance S Family and Consumer Science 19262 Consumer Economics/Personal Finance
Art History I S Fine and Performing Arts 05152 Art History
Introduction to Art S Fine and Performing Arts 05151 Art Appreciation
Chinese I Y Foreign Language and Literature 24402 Chinese I
Chinese II Y Foreign Language and Literature 24403 Chinese II
French I Y Foreign Language and Literature 24102 French I
French II Y Foreign Language and Literature 24103 French II
French III Y Foreign Language and Literature 24104 French III
German I Y Foreign Language and Literature 24252 German I
German II Y Foreign Language and Literature 24253 German II
Latin I Y Foreign Language and Literature 24342 Latin I
Latin II Y Foreign Language and Literature 24343 Latin II
Spanish I Y Foreign Language and Literature 24052 Spanish I
Spanish II Y Foreign Language and Literature 24053 Spanish II
Spanish III Y Foreign Language and Literature 24054 Spanish III
Health Science Concepts Y Health Care Sciences 14002 Health Care Occupations – Comprehensive
Introduction to Health Science S Health Care Sciences 14001 Exploration of Health Care Occupations
Medical Terminology S Health Care Sciences 14154 Medical Terminology
Nursing Assistant Y Health Care Sciences 14051 Nursing
Pharmacy Technician Y Health Care Sciences 14152 Pharmacy Assisting
AP® Environmental Science Y Life and Physical Sciences 03207 AP® Environmental Science
Biology Y Life and Physical Sciences 03051 Biology
Chemistry Y Life and Physical Sciences 03101 Chemistry
Earth Science Y Life and Physical Sciences 03001 Earth Science
Environmental Science Y Life and Physical Sciences 03003 Environmental Science
Physical Science Y Life and Physical Sciences 03159 Physical Science
Physics Y Life and Physical Sciences 03151 Physics
Science 6 Y Life and Physical Sciences 03236 Science (grade 6)
Science 7 Y Life and Physical Sciences 03237 Science (grade 7)
Science 8 Y Life and Physical Sciences 03238 Science (grade 8)
Physical Science Y Life and Physical Sciences 03011 Physical Science (prior-to-secondary)
Life Science Y Science 03071 Life Science
Mathematics 6 Y Mathematics 02036 Mathematics 6
Mathematics 7 Y Mathematics 02037 Mathematics 7
Mathematics 8 Y Mathematics 02038 Mathematics 8
Algebra I Y Mathematics 02052 Algebra I
Algebra II Y Mathematics 02056 Algebra II
Concepts in Probability and Statistics Y Mathematics 02201 Probability and Statistics
Financial Math Y Mathematics 02157 Consumer Math
Geometry Y Mathematics 02072 Geometry
Mathematical Models with Applications Y Mathematics 02104 Math Analysis
Mathematics I Y Mathematics 02061 Integrated Math – multi-year equivalent
Mathematics II Y Mathematics 02061 Integrated Math – multi-year equivalent
Mathematics III Y Mathematics 02061 Integrated Math – multi-year equivalent
Pre-Algebra Y Mathematics 02051 Pre-Algebra
Pre-Calculus Y Mathematics 02110 Pre-Calculus
Trigonometry S Mathematics 02103 Trigonometry
Foundations of Personal Wellness Y Physical, Health, and Safety Education 08052 Health and Fitness
Healthy Living S Physical, Health, and Safety Education 08051 Health Education
Contemporary Health Y&S Physical, Health, and Safety Education 08051 Health Education
Lifetime Fitness S Physical, Health, and Safety Education 08016 Lifetime Fitness Education
AP® Human Geography Y Social Sciences and History 04004 AP® Human Geography
AP® Psychology Y Social Sciences and History 04256 AP® Psychology
AP® U.S. History Y Social Sciences and History 04104 AP® World History
AP® World History Y Social Sciences and History 04057 AP® World History
AP® US Government and Politics S Social Sciences and History 04157 AP® US Government and Politics
Economics S Social Sciences and History 04201 Economics
Human Geography Y Social Sciences and History 04001 World Geography
Modern World History Y Social Sciences and History 04053 Modern World History
Psychology Y Social Sciences and History 04254 Psychology
Sociology S Social Sciences and History 04258 Sociology
Survey of U.S. History Y Social Sciences and History 04101 U.S. History – Comprehensive
Survey of World History Y Social Sciences and History 04051 World History – Overview
U.S. Government S Social Sciences and History 04151 U.S. Government – Comprehensive
U.S. History I Y Social Sciences and History 04102 Early U.S. History
U.S. History II Y Social Sciences and History 04103 Modern U.S. History
Civics Y Social Sciences and History 04161 Civics
Middle School Civics, Government, and Economics Y Social Sciences and History 04160 U.S. Government, Civics, and Economics
Introduction to STEM S Career and Technical Education 03210 Science, Technology, and Society
Business Law S Career and Technical Education 04164 Business Law
Legal Services S Career and Technical Education 04165 Legal System
Business Computer Information Systems Y Career and Technical Education 10005 Business Computer Applications
Technology and Business Y Career and Technical Education 10005 Business Computer Applications
Introduction to Computer Science Y Career and Technical Education 10012 Exploring Computer Science
Introduction to Network Systems S Career and Technical Education 10102 Exploring Computer Science
Network System Design S Career and Technical Education 10103 Area Network Design Protocols
Software Development Tools S Career and Technical Education 10151 Business Programming
Fundamentals of Programming and Software Development S Career and Technical Education 10152 Computer Programming
New Applications: Web Development in the 21st Century S Career and Technical Education 10201 Web Page Design
Introduction to Information Technology Support and Services S Career and Technical Education 10253 Information Support and Services
Introduction to Information Technology Y Career and Technical Education 10254 IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software
Introduction to Careers in Arts, A/V Technology and Communications S Career and Technical Education 11051 Audio/Visual Production
Introduction to Business Y Career and Technical Education 12051 Introductory Business
Small Business Entrepreneurship A S Career and Technical Education 12053 Entrepreneurship
Small Business Entrepreneurship B S Career and Technical Education 12053 Entrepreneurship
Introduction to Careers in Finance S Career and Technical Education 12101 Banking and Finance
Banking Services Careers S Career and Technical Education 12101 Banking and Finance
Marketing and Sales for Tourism and Hospitality S Career and Technical Education 12159 Marketing-Hospitality/Tourism
Introduction to Health Science Y Career and Technical Education 14001 Exploration of Health Care Occupations
Careers in Allied Health S Career and Technical Education 14249 Exploration of Health Care Occupations
Health Science Concepts Y Career and Technical Education 14002 Health Care Occupations-Comprehensive
Health, Safety, and Ethics in the Health Environment Y Career and Technical Education 14003 Medical Law and Ethics
Nursing Assistant Y Career and Technical Education 14051 Nursing
Nursing: Unlimited Possibilities and Unlimited Potential S Career and Technical Education 14051 Nursing
Pharmacy Technician Y Career and Technical Education 14152 Pharmacy Assisting
Medical Terminology Y Career and Technical Education 14154 Medical Terminology
Introduction to Careers in the Health Sciences S Career and Technical Education 14299 Health Science-Other
Law Enforcement Field Services S Career and Technical Education 15054 Law Enforcement
Introduction to Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security S Career and Technical Education 15101 Public Safety
Security and Protective Services S Career and Technical Education 15149 Security and Protection- Other
Fire and Emergency Services S Career and Technical Education 15152 Fire Fighting
Introduction to Careers in Government and Public Administration S Career and Technical Education 15201 Public Administration
Food Safety and Sanitation S Career and Technical Education 16053 Food Service
Transportation and Tours for the Traveler S Career and Technical Education 16151 Introduction to Travel and Tourism
Sustainable Service Management for Hospitality and Tourism S Career and Technical Education 16990 Hospitality and Tourism-Unused Code
Introduction to Careers in Architecture and Construction S Career and Technical Education 17001 Construction Careers Exploration
Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources S Career and Technical Education 18001 Introduction to Agriculture and Natural Resources
Plant Systems S Career and Technical Education 18099 Plant Systems-Other
Animal Systems S Career and Technical Education 18101 Animal Production/Science
Agribusiness Systems S Career and Technical Education 18201 Agribusiness Management
Food Products and Processing Systems S Career and Technical Education 18305 Food Product Processing
Power, Structural, and Technical Systems S Career and Technical Education 18401 Agriculture Mechanics/Equipment/Structures
Introduction to Human Services S Career and Technical Education 19001 Human Services Career Exploration
Introduction to Careers in Education and Training S Career and Technical Education 19151 Teaching Profession
Teaching and Training Careers S Career and Technical Education 19151 Teaching Profession
Introduction to Human Growth and Development S Career and Technical Education 19261 Human Growth and Development
Introduction to Consumer Services S Career and Technical Education 19299 Family and Consumer Sciences-Other
Introduction to Careers in Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics S Career and Technical Education 20001 Exploration of Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
Engineering and Product Development S Career and Technical Education 21007 Principles of Engineering
Engineering and Design S Career and Technical Education 21006 Engineering Design
Career Explorations Y Career Exploration/Development 22151 Career Exploration
Career Management S Career and Technical Education 22151 Career Exploration
Career Planning and Development Y Career Exploration/Development 22151 Employability Skills
Ethnic Studies S Electives 04107 Ethnic Studies