Relative Grade (Definition)

This is the grade that a student would receive if they stopped working and received 0% for all unscored, counted activities. This grade is essentially a harsh penalty for not completing work. Many teachers decide to use this grade as the final course grade.


If the grade weight for assignments is weighted at 50% or higher and Pretesting is turned on, you may see an inflated Relative Grade early in the course. 

Some additional notes on Relative Grade:

  • An activity that counts towards a grade and has been completed will be counted in the Relative Grade.
  • An activity that counts towards the grade and has not been completed, will be scored a Zero in the Relative Grade (including Essay Final Drafts). 
    • When pretesting is enabled, all the quizzes in the course that have NOT been completed, will be scored as a Zero. 
      • Should a student pass the pretest, the remaining activities in the lesson will now be classified as "Passed Out" and will not count toward or against the grade. 
      • Should a student not pass the pretest, the assignment (and any other activity counting toward the grade in the lesson) will count as a Zero until it is submitted for a grade. 
  • When Autograding or Teacher Supported is selected in the Course Options, if an activity that counts towards a grade has a "pending" teaching score, it is NOT counted in the Relative Grade (including short writings, essays, and projects).
  • When an activity that does not count towards the grade, has been completed or not, it will not be counted in the Relative Grade. 
  • An activity that normally would not count towards the grade and has been completed, but where the teacher changed the score, is counted in the Relative Grade with the teacher's score.
  • Any assignments with bypasses for pending pretests are factored into the Relative Grade as a zero. 
    • If the student passes the pretest, the activities will no longer be factored into the grade.

This is commonly used in credit recovery courses because it will show the point at which the student recovers the credit. 


  • provides a metric that can be used if a student drops the course