Use this page to add classes to your educator account. As an educator you can view the courses without having to complete the assignments.
- The account is automatically set with the Text-to-Speech and Translation student options, and the Orientation Video is not enabled. These settings are not editable.
- Once you enroll yourself in a course, the course is considered to have an in-flight enrollment (you) so you are now limited to what customizations can be done to the course as a whole.
- Subscription course series such as eDynamic Learning (eDL), Exceptional Students (ES), and Drivers Education do not consume a license when educators enroll themselves.
Frequently asked questions
If I choose to edit the course options for my students, will the parallel educator accounts be impacted too?
Yes. When you make changes to the edit options for a course and choose to affect enrollments, the edit options for the parallel educator account enrollment are updated along with the edit options of the students.
Enrolling yourself in a course
- Under the Students tab, select Manage Students.
You can also click the Manage Students button from the homepage.
- Click the Select My Account button.
- Select the Add Course link.
- Use the filters to find the course. Click Search to find the courses that fall under the filter.
- Checkmark the course(s) to add. The checkmarked courses display at the top of the page.
- Click Add Selected Courses.
- A notification window will require a confirmation to add the course(s) listed. Click Submit.
- A confirmation window will show the course(s) were added successfully. Click Back to Courses or Add More.
To view your account on the student side, click here.