Enrolling yourself in a course

Use this page to add classes to your educator account. As an educator you can view the courses without having to complete the assignments.


  • The account is automatically set with the Text-to-Speech and Translation student options, and the Orientation Video is not enabled. These settings are not editable.
  • Once you enroll yourself in a course, the course is considered to have an in-flight enrollment (you) so you are now limited to what customizations can be done to the course as a whole. 
  • Subscription course series such as eDynamic Learning (eDL), Exceptional Students (ES), and Drivers Education do not consume a license when educators enroll themselves.

Frequently asked questions

If I choose to edit the course options for my students, will the parallel educator accounts be impacted too?
Yes. When you make changes to the edit options for a course and choose to affect enrollments, the edit options for the parallel educator account enrollment are updated along with the edit options of the students.

Enrolling yourself in a course

  1. Under the Students tab, select Manage Students.


    You can also click the Manage Students button from the homepage. 


  2. Click the Select My Account button. 
  3. Select the Add Course link. 
  4. Use the filters to find the course. Click Search to find the courses that fall under the filter. 
  5. Checkmark the course(s) to add. The checkmarked courses display at the top of the page. 
  6. Click Add Selected Courses.
  7. A notification window will require a confirmation to add the course(s) listed. Click Submit.
  8. A confirmation window will show the course(s) were added successfully. Click Back to Courses or Add More.



To view your account on the student side, click here