Understanding the Customization Tool


This article is about customizing courses for heritage Imagine Edgenuity courses. For information about customizing EdgeEX courses, reference EdgeEX — Customizing Courses.


Before customizing a course, verify that you have imported the current version of the course.

The customiziation tool has many options. This page shows the main functions of the tool. Click on one to learn more about it.

Frequently Asked Questions:
What courses can be customized?
For information about course customization limitations, refer to Features by Course Type.
What does the white flag mean on the student enrollment customization screen?
A white flag displays on the current unit and lesson of the student whose course is already in-flight.
What does the blue flag mean on the student enrollment customization screen?
A blue flag displays on the current activity of the student whose course is already in-flight.
What happens on tests and exams when I remove a lesson?
When you remove a lesson, the lesson's test and exam bank questions are also removed.
If I remove activities that students have already completed, will the earned scores still count toward the student's grade?
No. Any score earned from a removed activity will no longer count toward a student's overall grade. If the activity is customized back in to the course, any score earned from that activity will count toward a student's overall grade.
Can I reorder content to come before the current activity?
No. Due to a system limitation, after testing, you cannot move items to come before the current activity.
How do I add a test to a course?

Add a test by first adding a unit. Then, move lessons into the new unit and turn on the test activity. A test is automatically generated from the lessons in the unit.


If the course is already in flight with enrollments, you won't be able to do this. You must add the test during initial customization before adding students to the course.


When customizing a student's course that is already in-flight, a white flag displays on the current unit and lesson of the student. The blue flag appears on the current activity. Note that if an activity is removed from the course that a student has already completed, the score will not count toward the student's overall grade. If the activity is then placed back into the course, the earned score is returned and will count toward the student's overall grade.


Action Description Available for an In-Flight, Course-Level course
Time The total estimated time of the course. This is dynamic and will change when alterations are made to the course. White_green_checkmark.png
Lessons The total lessons in the course. This is dynamic and will change when alterations are made to the course. White_green_checkmark.png
Activities The total activities in the course. This is dynamic and will change when alterations are made to the course. White_green_checkmark.png
Search Bar Type a  specific Unit, Lesson, or Activity into the box.  White_green_checkmark.png
Expand All Opens all the Units in the course to see the lessons and tests housed within each one. White_green_checkmark.png
Deselect All Unchecks all the current unit, lessons, and activities White_green_checkmark.png
Filter Activity Types Allows you to take out the each activity type throughout the course. White_green_checkmark.png
Add a Unit Allows you to create your own unit.   
Dropdown Arrow Opens up the unit for you to see what lessons and tests are in it.  White_green_checkmark.png
Checkmark Box Informs you that the Unit, Lesson, or Activity is currently active in the course.  White_green_checkmark.png

Drag Handle

Feature that allows you to move the Unit, Lesson, or Activity.