Heritage Edgenuity courses — Customizing vs. bypassing content


Looking for information about EdgeEX courses? Reference EdgeEX — Customizing vs. bypassing content.

There are two ways to allow a student to skip content: customizing content out of a course or bypassing the content. The difference between these the functions is based on your intent: do you want to remove content from a student’s course permanently or simply let students skip over it temporarily? 

Customizing content out removes the content from the structure of the course, meaning it cannot be accessed by the student at all.

Bypassing content does not remove the content; it simply lets students temporarily skip over it without penalty. The activity is labeled as "not required," and students still have the option to access and complete a bypassed activity from their Course Map. A grade will not display on the Course Map or on the progress report.


If the activity being bypassed is an assessment, an educator will have to determine if the questions from the bypassed activity should be included on tests and cumulative exams. By default, they are not included on other tests and cumulative exams.

Customize out or bypass?

Customize content out if..

  • You want the content removed from the structure of the course
  • You don’t want students to be able to access the content at all

Bypass content if...

  • You want students to be able to skip over the content if they choose to do so
  • You want to be able to easily remove the bypass and change the activity back to being required

 Additional things to consider

  • If you don’t want students to be able to access content now, but you do want them to do the content at a later time, you can choose to customize content out and then customize it back in at a later time.
  • In heritage Edgenuity courses, both customizing content out and bypassing content result in the content not counting toward the student's grade.