Assigning Teachers to a Course

Assigning a teacher to a course is ideal because a teacher can filter the Manage Enrollments page by only courses to which they have been linked. They will then find all of their own enrollments to manage and review. This works best when schools set up sections for each specific teacher. It’s different than filtering by user group, because, with user groups, a teacher would see all courses assigned to students in the group, not just courses s/he is responsible for managing.


To follow the steps listed below, you will need to have "Assign Teachers to Courses" checked under School Courses. To validate your permissions, click here.

Need to know how to access this page? View the steps here.

  1.  Click Assign Teachers.
  2. Select Add Teacher.
  3. Use the search bar to find the teacher(s).
  4. Checkmark the box next to the teacher(s) to assign to the course. Select Assign.
  5. Click OK. A confirmation screen does not display, but the teacher has been assigned to the course.


To unassign a teacher or teachers, access the same screen. You can select a teacher's name and click Remove. Or, to remove all teachers, click Remove All.