EdgeEX — FAQ

EdgeEX is a new course series that lives within the Imagine Edgenuity platform — which means that you won’t need new usernames and passwords to access it. Basic LMS functionality like managing users and communication is the same, but EdgeEX has a host of new functionality related to the courses themselves.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is EdgeEX?
EdgeEX is a new course series with an updated look and feel and a host of new functionality for both students and educators.
Is EdgeEX a new platform?
It is not a new platform; EdgeEX courses run on the same Imagine Edgenuity LMS as our other courses.
What’s different about an EdgeEX course?
For students, EdgeEX courses feature:
  • A new look and feel in both the Course Map and the content itself.
  • Avatars students can select to personalize the learning experience.
  • Unit-level progress bars with animated celebrations when students complete a unit.
  • Personalized study plans after students take practice assessments, with direct links to review lessons a student struggled with.
  • Fillable Guided Notes so students can work digitally instead of printing PDFs.
  • An easier way to submit work from Google Drive.
  • For math courses only, improved feedback for students with answer explanations for every question and Show Me videos for selected questions in each lesson.

For educators, EdgeEX courses feature:

  • The new Educator Launchpad, which allows teachers to see how many students are blocked and how many activities they need to grade.
  • An improved, easy-to-use gradebook for individual students. (A course-level gradebook is not currently available in EdgeEX).
  • A new Course Hub interface, which puts all the information and actions for a single course in one place.
  • Additional course options, including the ability to set all options differently by assessment type, ability to allow students to increase video playback speed, and the ability to cap the maximum number of attempts teachers can give students on assessment.
  • Self-service course provisioning from the new Imagine Edgenuity Catalog.
What is different about the content in an EdgeEX course?
Although the graphic design of the EdgeEX series is all new, the instructional design of the EdgeEX series is similar to the 3000-series courses that already exist and the content itself is largely the same, with the following notable differences:

  3000 Series EdgeEX
Instruction (Warm-up, Instruction, and Summary) Some instructional activities include keyword-scored, open-ended questions.

No instructional activities include keyword-scored, open-ended questions; all questions are objective and system-scored.

Benefit: Teachers can easily find and score all open-ended questions.

Assignments Application activities that follow the instruction are called Assignments. Some Assignments include keyword-scored, open-ended questions.

These activities are now called Practice. No Practice activities include keyword-scored, open-ended questions; all questions are objective and system-scored.

In math courses only, Practice activities feature a new feedback loop for students that includes answer explanations and Show Me videos. These features may be added to other subjects in the future.

Benefit: Students get additional re-teaching and support for challenging math questions.

Reading Activities In assignments that require students to read an extended text, students launch the reading in a separate tab, then they go back to the main tab to answer the post-reading questions.

Practice activities that include an extended text feature the text side-by-side with the questions, without the need to open a new tab.

Benefit: If districts block students from opening new tabs (for security reasons), students will not run into issues with reading activities.

Science Labs Science labs appear in specific Lab Lessons. These lessons include a hands-on lab and lab report, as well as a virtual lab and reflection activity. The hands-on lab and lab report do not appear in the credit recovery version of the course.

Virtual labs and reflection activities will no longer appear. They will be replaced with a new activity type called Sim Lab, which features guided exploration of an interactive simulation powered by PHeT or Explore Learning Gizmos. These activities will replace the Practice activities in the lessons in which they appear, and Lab Lessons will not appear at all in the credit recovery version of the course. Initial credit and honors science courses will still have hands-on labs in addition to the Sim Lab activities.

Benefit: These simulations are more exploratory in nature and better align to science practice standards in most states. Because the virtual labs no longer duplicate the hands-on labs, we can significantly increase the percentage of science lessons that include labs.

Assessments Assessments include lesson pretests, quizzes, test reviews, tests, exam reviews, and exams. Test and exam reviews are weighted in the Assignments category.

Test reviews and exam reviews will be renamed practice tests and practice exams. They will have their own grade weight category. Based on student performance on the practice assessments, the system will recommend specific lessons for them to review before the real assessment.

Benefit: Students will know what to review before the assessment, increasing their ability to pass on the first attempt.

Math assessments feature answer explanations, available when students review their completed attempts.

Benefit: Students can learn from their mistakes.

Which course options are new for EdgeEX courses?
  • Pretesting: Allow Save and Exit, Require Teachers to Unlock Pretests (formerly known as Teacher Review)
  • Assessment Options: Set review options for tests and exams in addition to quizzes (no review, student answers only, correct answers and explanations)
  • Assessment Attempts: Configure different numbers of attempts for quizzes, tests, and exams; set the maximum number of attempts teachers can give before students are moved on automatically, set auto-progression per assessment type
  • Free Movement: Allow students to increase video playback speed
  • Start and Target Dates: Support for automatic Target Dates for Rolling Enrollments, Lock Course Before Start Date, Lock Course [xx] Days After Target Date
  • Display Pacing to Students: Show/hide Estimated Completion Time on Course Map,  Due Dates on Course Map, Pacing on Home Page, and Activities Past Due Alert on Course Map
Can I use my current courses and EdgeEX courses, or do I have to have one or the other?
You can use both together. A given student can be enrolled in some current courses and some EdgeEX courses. Adopt as many or as few as you choose, on whatever schedule works for you.
Why is Auto Progression not an available course option in EdgeEX?

In heritage Imagine Edgenuity courses, the Auto Progression option moves students on with their highest attempt score once they exhaust their available attempts. In EdgeEX, this is handled differently, with a combination of the course options "Initial Allowed Attempts" and "Max Allowed Attempts."

  • The "Initial Allowed Attempts" value controls the number of attempts a student will have on a given assessment type before they are stopped and a teacher is alerted.

  • Teachers can then give students additional attempts until the "Max Allowed Attempts" value is reached. Once students exhaust their "Max Allowed Attempts," they will be moved on with their highest score.

Note that these values can be configured differently for quizzes, tests, and exams. Pretest attempts do not count as Quiz attempts.

How are EdgeEX courses provisioned?
EdgeEX features self-service provisioning from the new Imagine Edgenuity Catalog. Permissioned educators can visit the Catalog, preview courses (whether they have licensed them or not), see which courses they have licensed and select the ones they want to use with their schools and students. There is no need for internal teams to provision courses to schools, only to enable EdgeEX licensing (from the EdgeEX tab in the licensing area).
If we use EdgeEX courses with our students, do we need different accounts?
No. Students and educators access both current and EdgeEX courses from their existing accounts. No new usernames or logins will be required.
If a teacher is not assigned to any EdgeEX sections, will the Launchpad still display for them?
Yes. The Launchpad will display for all teachers in the school as soon as the first EdgeEX section is created, regardless of whether they are assigned to EdgeEX sections. However, no data will appear in the Launchpad unless the teacher is assigned to an EdgeEX section or is given the EdgeEX View All Sections in Launchpad permission. (That permission is off for teachers by default.)

What languages will be available for translation in EdgeEX?

EdgeEX features over 130 languages for translation. When a student has translation enabled in their profile settings, they can change the language of most on-screen text, including the video transcript and captions (but not the text that appears in the video itself). In addition, EdgeEX features persistent translation (that is, the student does not need to click Translate page by page). Both caption translation and persistence are features unique to EdgeEX.

Reference EdgeEX — Available languages for translation for a list of available languages.