Providing Additional Retakes Via the Dashboard

Use this page when you want to add retakes for a student using the red alert button on the dashboard.

Frequently Asked Questions:
If a student is provided additional retakes, which score will be counted?

No matter how many times a student takes an exam, the highest score will always be used.


To provide additional retakes you must have "Add Retakes" permissions. Click here to validate this permission in Gradebook Options.  

  1. On the main menu, select Dashboard.
  2. By default, the Progress tab will be selected.
  3. All the students are listed here with each class in which they are enrolled. Filter to see a particular set of students. With each filter, click Apply.
  4. Choose the information desired on the screen by using the display options.
  5. Sort in different ways to be able to interpret the data.
  6. Click the red alert icon red.png.
  7. Select RETAKE(S).
  8. Enter the number of retakes allotted to the student and select a time the student will have to complete each retake.
  9. Click Submit.

To see what it would look like in the student experience when a retake is provided, click here