Dashboard Alerts

Frequently Asked Questions:
How far behind must a student be before the items in Dashboard show up in red?

3% behind

How often is the Dashboard data refreshed?

The Dashboard periodically updates. To manually update it, select the refresh button located in the top-right corner of the page.

How are the alerts ordered?

The alerts are sorted orange, then red. The orange and red alerts require educator action before a student can progress in the course.

If a student has multiple alerts for the same course, will all display?

No. The order of the alerts for the student will be orange, then red, then yellow. For example, if a student is awaiting a review before taking an assessment and has student work needing to be graded, then the orange alert for the student will appear. Once the educator takes action on the orange alert, then the yellow alert will appear.

There are three different alerts available to educators on the Dashboard. Depending on the course options applied to students, an educator may not see all three.

Students who need support will appear at the top of the list and have one of the three icons:

Alert Image Definition
Orange.png Orange Exclamation Point Items that require a review before students can access the assessment. 
red.png Red Exclamation Point Retake unavailable for the assessment.  
yellow.png Yellow Pencil and Paper The student has submitted work that needs grading.

If you are teaching a course that contains essays, you will want to visit our eWriting Teacher's Guide and our eWriting Student's Guide for additional information regarding Edgenuity's essay activities and auto-scoring engine.