Filter Suggestions for Managing Enrollments

There are a number of available filters on the Manage Enrollments page to help isolate specific student enrollment data.

Interested in learning how to find the most useful data using these filters? The following article provides useful tips for using single or multiple filters to view pertinent data related to student enrollments. 

The Manage Enrollments page allows a user to export the data. Click the Export to Excel icon in the top-right corner of the page.




It is recommended for educators to create user groups. While we have suggested the Groups filter in some instances below, feel free to add it to any of the other options.

Situation Filters to Apply Additional Notes
Want to see if you have any students who have not started a course?  Progress + Groups and/or Subject The progress tab has a Not Started button. If user groups have not been created, utilize the subject filter. 
Can I filter by students who have completed the course?  Progress + Groups and/or Subject The progress tab has a Completed button. If user groups have not been created, utilize the subject filter. 
Do I have any students who are close to completing a course?  Progress Set the range of the Progress tab from 90-100%
Are any of my students behind their projected pace? What about on track or ahead?  Pacing* The Pacing filter allows a user to select On Track or Ahead or Behind by more than (insert a number) %

*In order for Pacing to work, make sure the target date has been set. 
Why is the data not working when Pacing is selected?  Start/Target Date Problems + Pacing Use the Start/Target Date Problems filter first to identify issues with any start and/or target dates. Then the Pacing filter will work. 
Is there a way to only see my students?  Groups If you have created user groups, you can utilize this filter to see only students in the selected group. 
I want to narrow down my list even more. How can I get a smaller number of students?  Groups + Series + Subject There may be times when you have students in various subjects within the same group. Utilizing the Series and Subject filters will help narrow down the Groups filter more. 
Do I have any older enrollments with students who have not completed any work within a certain timeframe? Date Enrolled + Gradebook Entry Find students who have older enrollments. From there, you can decide if you want to disable or complete the enrollments. 
I am wondering if I have any students who have not worked in the last week. Is there a way to tell?  Gradebook Entry Next to On or After found in the Last Gradebook Entry filter, specify the date. A list of students who have not completed any work within the date range will populate. 
I require my students to complete 10 hours of work a week. We are at the end of week three. Can I see which students have not completed at least 30 hours of work so far?  Active Time Set the filters to 0 and 29. A list of students who have not completed the thirty required hours will appear. 
I require my students to complete 10 hours of work a week. We are at the end of week three. Is there a way to not only see if the students have worked for at least 30 hours but to also see if they are making any progress?  Active Time + Progress Set the Active Time filter to 30 and leave the right box empty. In the Progress tab, state a range of progress you are hoping they have achieved. 
Some of my students are behind. Is there a way to see when they were last active in a course?  Gradebook Entry + Pacing Next to On or After found in the Last Gradebook Entry filter, specify the date. In the Pacing filter, specify a percentage by which students are behind. 
Is there any easy way for me to see the students who have submitted essays/projects that I need to grade?  Assignment Status The Assignment Status tab only applies to courses that contain teacher-graded assignments. Checkmark the ungraded box under the Assignment Status tab.
I am facilitating an English Language Arts course. Is there a way to see if there are any essays/projects I need to grade for students who have completed the course?  Assignment Status + Progress The Assignment Status tab only applies to courses that contain teacher-graded assignments. Checkmark the ungraded box under the Assignment Status tab. On the Progress tab, select the Completed button.
My students can't see their daily progress? How do I know my students are on track?  Start/Target Date Problems There might be an issue with the start and/or target date. Use this filter to isolate the students who have an issue with one or both dates. The tracking feature will not work if there is an issue. 
Is there a way to see the students who are likely to earn credit?  Grade + Progress Set the desired grade metric above the passing grade for the school. Set the Progress filter to a percentage higher than 80%. 
I want to clean up the enrollment data for students no longer working by assigning the current grade earned in their courses. What do I do?  Gradebook Entry + Grade Next to the On or After under Last Gradebook Entry state the date. The relative grade is the grade a student earns if zeros are assigned for any uncompleted, scored activities. State a range for the Relative Grade in the Grade filter. 
If a student moves to a new school in the same district, how can teachers at the new school view enrollments from the student's previous school? Previous school

Teachers will need the Access Student Enrollments in Other Schools permission. With this permission, teachers can view enrollments from the previous school on the student's course list.

These enrollments will not appear on the Manage Enrollments page or the Dashboard unless the teacher at the new school also has access to the previous school checked in their profile. (Note that teachers with dual school access will need to filter by the previous school to see those enrollments in those areas.)



Situation Filters to Apply Additional Notes
How can I find outdated courses in each school?  Edition + Courses School's Checkmark the Unsupported and Previous boxes on the Edition filter. Make sure to also select one school at a time.
How are all the 8th-grade science students doing at Springfield Middle School?  Courses School's + Subject + Grade In this example, Springfield Middle School would be selected on the Course's School filter. Then checkmark Science on the Subject filter, followed by 8 on the Grade filter.
I'd like to see how a certain teacher's math students are doing. Is there a way to see this?  Teachers As long as teachers are linked to a course, checkmark the teacher's name under the Teacher filter.