Customizing a student's course ensures you are providing personalized instruction based on his or her specific needs. Here we provide you step-by-step instructions to edit courses for one student. If you are interested in customizing the course for an entire class, please work with your program administrator. Most schools or districts appoint one person, or a group of people, to annually review courses and create customizations based on district or state standards.
Frequently Asked Questions:
You'll need access to the Edit Enrollment Options and Customize Enrollment permissions in order to effectively make changes to your student's enrollments. If you do not have these permissions and believe you should, please contact your program administrator.
The following course types have specific requirements or functionality that could be problematic should you choose to customize them. Please review the guidelines below before customizing one of these courses.
- Advanced Placement Courses: Edgenuity’s AP Courses have been approved by the College Board and per their requirements, students must complete these courses in their entirety. You may choose to add content or reorder units of study; however, if you remove content, you must resubmit the course to the College Board for approval.
- Virtual Tutors: These courses include diagnostic pretests and post-tests. If you remove content from a Virtual Tutor, the pre- and post-tests will automatically adapt to exclude the content you removed during the customization process. However, if you add new content into a VT course, that content will not be assessed in either the pretest or post-test, and all students will be required to complete all new content you add. They will not be able to test out of these new lessons.
- CTE: Career Technical Education courses (like 3D Art, Game Design, etc) have a unique course structure. These courses are more project based and the assessment engine will not react well with content added to the existing structure. It's best to leave these courses as is. Reordering lessons will be fine as long as new content is not added to the course.
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