Enabled course options such as quizzes, tests, prescriptive tests, and exams, vary for the assessments that need unlocking.
- On the main menu, click Dashboard.
- Click the orange alert icon
next to the student needing to be unlocked.
- Select Review.
Choose Unlock if you're not reviewing a student's work.
- Click View next to the student's Graded Attempt to view their results on the Unit Test Review.
- A new window displays the student's assessment overview. To learn more, click here.
- Choose X to close the window.
- View the educator options.
- Select the activity Unit Test on the left to enable a student to continue.
- Click Unlock Activity.
- Click the Default dropdown list to choose the assessment time.
If the class ends in 40 minutes and it takes about 25 minutes to complete the exam, you would give the student 15 minutes before the assessment is locked again. This ensures the student starts the exam before time runs out.
- Select Submit.