MyPath- Ranges of Due and Submitted Dates


Imagine MyPath will be out of service as of September 1, 2025. Learn more at MyPath end-of-life recommendations.

Import of new Renaissance scores is no longer supported as of December 31, 2023. Although new scores will not populate, if you have existing scores, you can use them to assign ILPs. 

Import of new NWEA scores is no longer supported as of September 1, 2024. Although new scores will not populate, if you have existing scores, you can use them to assign ILPs.

If a student is currently working on an ILP, they can continue working. If a student completes a learning path, we recommend the following:

Is the student completing course activities on time?

If the data shows... ...then you should... can also follow up by...
Submitted Date is on or before Due Date Celebrate student success
  • Checking the First Attempt date to ensure the student is not spending too many days on one activity
Submitted Date is 1 day after Due Date Encourage students to complete assignments
  • Ensuring district calendar is set to properly reflect days when students are expected to be working
  • Helping set daily/weekly student goals and providing incentives and consequences for progress made.
  • Encouraging students to track their progress and/or printing their Course Reports so they have a hard copy of the due dates.
  • Making sure the Target Date is set and is realistic
Submitted Date is more than 1 day after Due Date Assess factors that may be preventing progress, develop an improvement plan