Accessing the Assignment Calendar

This page will show you how to access the assignment calendar.


Check out the Course Report for a more in-depth view of the student's progress.

Frequently Asked Questions
How are due dates calculated?

When start and target dates are set the system calculates the number of activities and the expected time it takes to complete each activity and divides it evenly across the days a student is to complete work. This is why it is also important for the district to set up their calendar to highlight which days students are to work. Depending on these factors, students may have multiple days to complete one assignment or they may have to complete multiple assignments in one day. For example, a five hour project might be spread across three days whereas a 30 minute warm-up and a 20 minute instruction are due on the same day.

Why is an activity listed over multiple days?
The system divides all of the activities over the days the student is expected to work. There will be some overlap from day to day occasionally. This is just a guide for students to stay on track.
What do the colors mean on this report?
  • Gray- upcoming or past due activities
  • Blue- activity(ies) due today
  • Green- completed activity(ies)
Can you provide an example on how to read the assignment calendar data?

Assuming it is May 21, 2018, Nitara's target completion percentage from her progress report is 27.3%. This means she should have completed that percentage by today, May 21st.


The percentage next to each assignment is a rough estimate of where the student's progress would be if the student was currently working on that specific activity. Let's compare where Nitara should be using the target completion percentage (27.3%) to the data on her assignment calendar. 


Based on what is due today (blue text), notice the assignment is in green text from the prior day. She would have been right on schedule had she not completed the assignment yesterday, but now she is a bit ahead of schedule with the quiz (28.24%).

Notice that the assignment was listed on Sunday and Monday? This is because of the overlap from day to day. The report simply divides all of the activities over the days the student is expected to work. There will be some overlap from day to day in some cases, but just remember that this is just a guide to help students stay on track. If Nitara does not take the quiz today then she will be behind her target completion date.

Need to know how to access this page? View the steps here.

  1. Click Assignment Calendar.
  2. Select the week of activities to view.


    The course can be changed in the other drop down menu, if needed.