When a student's information can be accessed by additional schools other than their home school, the student's account needs to be adjusted. Use this page to alter the schools who can view a student's account.
School access allows for a student to be enrolled in one Home School with additional access to other schools. Use cases for additional school access could include, a student attending summer school at a different site, going to another school for a specific class, or a student transfers schools. For students who transfer, the home school would change, but a school would allow additional access to old school until the student completes their course enrollment(s).
Frequently asked questions
If a student moves to a new school in the same district, how can teachers at the new school view enrollments from the student's previous school?
Teachers will need the Access Student Enrollments in Other Schools permission. With this permission, teachers can view enrollments from the previous school on the student's course list. These enrollments will not appear on the Manage Enrollments page or the Dashboard unless the teacher at the new school also has access to the previous school checked in their profile. (Note that teachers with dual school access will need to filter by the previous school to see those enrollments in those areas.)
Changing a student's Home School
Need to know how to access this page? View the steps here.
- Under the Selected Student tab, click Update Student.
- Scroll to the School Access section and alter the Home School by selecting a radio button. Allow student's access to other schools by checking the box.
There can only be one Home School for each student, but students can be accessed by other schools in the district by selecting the appropriate checkboxes in the Allow Access column.
- Click Update Student at the bottom of the page.
- A notification shows that the student's account has been edited successfully.