Creating a New Lesson Mastery Report

If you have created a Lesson Mastery Report, use this page to create a new one.
  1. Under More, select Lesson Mastery.
  2. Select Create New Report.
  3. Select a subject from the drop-down list. 
  4. Select a course from the drop-down list.
  5. Standards assigned to the course display in the Lesson Standards section. Unselect unnecessary standards in the report or select options in the drop-down lists to narrow the standards. 
  6. Select the meaning of a "Struggling Student" to display in the report. This varies by educator.
    1. Unselect "Any student who has taken the Quiz at least one time and has not yet earned a passing score."
    2. Unselect "Any student who has taken the Quiz "__" times and has "__" scores under "__%".
      1. If selected, choose the number of times a student has taken the quiz including the number of scores they have for the selected percentage.
  7. Educators who have created user groups have the option to enroll all students in a course or focus on students in a user group taking the course. If the Group(s) option is selected, click the Select User Group(s) drop-down list and select a user group.   
  8. Add a name for the report and click refresh refreshimage.png.
  9. Choose Generate Report.