Lesson Mastery- Lesson Standards

Use this page to access and learn about the Lesson Standards page of the Lesson Mastery Report.
  1. Click the arrow next to Standards to view the standards aligned to that lesson. Some might have multiple standards, while others might just have one.
    Course Structure- Viewing Report- Standards.png


    The Course Structure page or % Struggling page has access to this information. The % Struggling page shows 'Stand' instead of 'Standards'. The following steps are the same on either page.

  2. To see the other lesson(s) align to that same standard, click the box next to the standard ID.
  3. Click Filter Report by Selected.
  4. All the lessons aligned with that standard display.
  5. Choose Expand Standards to see the text of the standard.


    If a standard has been filtered, then any other lesson(s) aligned to the same standard also display any additional standards aligned to the lesson.

  6. Select Collapse Standards to minimize the standards.
  7. Choose Reset Filters to get rid of the filter set for the standards.