Video library


The following videos will help you learn how to easily complete common, daily tasks. Links to the detailed, related articles are also included within the description box.

Student orientation videos

Heritage Student Experience Orientation

Explore the heritage Imagine Edgenuity student experience.


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Heritage: Actual Grade

Explore the heritage Edgenuity student experience while displaying the actual grade for a student. This is the version for students when Actual Grade is selected as the primary grade metric.


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Heritage: Overall Grade

Explore the heritage Edgenuity student experience while displaying the overall grade for a student. This is the version for students when Overall Grade is selected as the primary grade metric.


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Heritage: Relative Grade

Explore the heritage Edgenuity student experience while displaying the relative grade for a student. This is the version for students when Relative Grade is selected as the primary grade metric.


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EdgeEX Student Experience Orientation

Explore the EdgeEX student experience.


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EdgeEX: Actual Grade

Explore the EdgeEX student experience while displaying the actual grade for a student. This is the version for students when Actual Grade is selected as the primary grade metric.


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EdgeEX: Overall Grade

Explore the EdgeEX student experience while displaying the overall grade for a student. This is the version for students when Overall Grade is selected as the primary grade metric.


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EdgeEX: Relative Grade

Explore the EdgeEX student experience while displaying the relative grade for a student. This is the version for students when Relative Grade is selected as the primary grade metric.


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Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

Learn more about ensuring academic integrity through Edgenuity.

Related Article: Edgenuity Implementation Guide to Ensuring Academic Integrity (Includes code to embed in an external link.)

Academic Integrity for Instructional Services

Learn more about ensuring academic integrity using Edgenuity's Virtual School.

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Grades, Gradebook and Progress Report

Grade Types Explained

Learn about the difference between Overall Grade, Actual Grade, and Relative Grade.

Related Article: Grade Metrics, Overall Grade, Actual Grade, Relative Grade

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Additional Videos

Guided Notes

Video to introduce the concept of Guided Notes.

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Note Taking and Academic Success

Video for students to learn how to successfully take notes.

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Taking Notes from a Textbook or Video Materials

Video for students on how to identify the key notes from a textbook or video.

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Taking Notes from Audio or Online Materials

Video for students on how to identify the key points from an audio or online materials.

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Taking Notes for Math and English Courses

Video for students on how successfully take notes for a math or language arts course.

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Taking Notes for Science and Social Studies Courses

Video for students on how successfully take notes for a science or social studies course.

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Tools for Taking Notes

Video for students on the types of tools that can be used to take notes.

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Note-Taking in the Digital World

Video for students on how to successfully take notes in a digital environment.

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